Selected Journal Publications of EBIS Faculties

(Criteria: JCI = Q1, UTD - 24, FT - 50, ABDC = A/A*, ABS = 4/4* with their latest versions)

>> Forthcoming <<

Munim, Z.H., Duru, O. and Ng, A.K.Y.

‘Transhipment port’s competitiveness forecasting using analytic network process modelling’.

Transport Policy, accepted. doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2021.07.015

Afenyo, M., Ng, A.K.Y. and Jiang, C.

‘A multi-period model for assessing the socio-economic impacts of oil spills during Arctic shipping’.

Risk Analysis: An International Journal, accepted. doi: 10.1111/risa.13773

Chen, Q., Lau, Y.Y., Ge, Y., Dulebenets, M.A., Kawasaki, T. and Ng, A.K.Y.

‘Interaction between Arctic passenger ship activity and emissions’.

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 97: 102925, accepted.

Chai J.*

"Measuring Happiness under Interpersonal Comparison: An Advanced Theoretical Framework and Implications"

Plos ONE, accepted.

Chai J.*, Ngai E.W.T.

"The Variable Precision Method for Elicitation of Probability Weighting Functions"

Decision Support Systems, 128, 113166, accepted.

Chai J.*, Ngai E.W.T.

"Decision-Making Techniques in Supplier Selection: Recent Accomplishments and What Lies Ahead"

Expert Systems with Applications, 140, 112903, accepted.

Chai J.*, Weng Z., Liu W. (2021)

"Behavioral Decision Making in Normative and Descriptive Views: A Critical Review of Literature"

Journal of Risk and Financial Management, accepted.

Chen X., Fang Y., Chai J.*, Xu Z.

"Does Intuitionistic Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process always work better than Analytic Hierarchy Process?"

International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, accepted.  (Chen & Fang = EBIS graduates of 2020)

Cotter, Kelley, Mel Medeiros, Chankyung Pak, & Kjerstin Thorson

“Reach the right people”: The politics of ”interests in Facebook’s Classification system for ad targeting.

Big Data & Society, accepted.

>> 2021 <<

Guo, L., Ng, A.K.Y., Jiang, C. and Long, J. (2021):

‘Stepwise capacity integration in port cluster under uncertainty and congestion.’

Transport Policy 112: 94-113.

Monios, J. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2021):

‘Competing institutional logics and institutional erosion in environmental governance of maritime transport’.

Journal of Transport Geography 94: 103114.

Kong, Q., Jiang, C. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2021):

‘The economic impacts of restricting black carbon emissions on cargo shipping in the Polar Code Area’.

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 147: 159-176.

Panahi, R., Ng, A.K.Y., Afenyo, M. and Lau, Y.Y. (2021):

‘Reflecting on forty years contextual evolution of Arctic port research: the past and now’.

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 144: 189-203.

Chai J.* (2021).

"A Model of Ambition, Aspiration and Happiness"

European Journal of Operational Research, 288(2), 692-702.

Kjerstin Thorson, Kelley Cotter, Mel Medeiros, & Chankyung Pak (2021)

Algorithmic inference, political interest, and exposure to news and politics on Facebook.

Information Communication and Society, 24(2), 183-200.

>> 2020 <<

Jiang, C., Zheng, S., Ng, A.K.Y., Ge, Y.E. and Fu, X. (2020):

‘The climate change strategies of seaports: mitigation vs. adaptation’.

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 89: 102603.

Wang, K., Jiang, C., Ng, A.K.Y. and Zhu, Z. (2020):

‘Air and rail connectivity patterns of major city clusters in China’.

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 139: 35-53.

Panahi, R., Ng, A.K.Y. and Pang, J. (2020):

‘Climate change adaptation in the port industry: a complex of lingering research gaps and uncertainties’.

Transport Policy 95:10-29.

Panahi, R., Ng, A.K.Y., Afenyo, M. and Haeri, F. (2020):

‘A novel methodology for ranking risks associated with extreme weather events for Arctic shipping’.

Accident Analysis and Prevention 144: 105673

Yiu, H. L., Ngai, E. W. T., & Lei Chun Fong (2020).

Impact of Service-Dominant Orientation on the Innovation Performance of Technology Firms: Roles of Knowledge Sharing and Relationship Learning.

Decision Sciences, 51(3), 620-654.

Yang, Zhenbin; Kankanhalli, Atreyi; Ha, Sangwook; et al.

What Drives Public Agencies to Participate in Open Government Data Initiatives? an Innovation Resource Perspective.

Information & Management, vol. 57/no. 3, (2020), pp. 103179.

>> 2019 <<

Gujar, G.C., Ng, A.K.Y. and Notteboom, T. (2019):

‘The impacts of major government initiatives on the development of dry ports: a case study of the direct port delivery scheme in India’.

Journal of Transport Geography 80: 102498.

Afenyo, M., Jiang, C. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2019):

‘Climate change and Arctic shipping: a method for assessing the impacts of oil spills in the Arctic’.

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 77: 476-490.

Ducruet, C., Panahi, R., Ng, A.K.Y., Jiang, C. and Afenyo, M. (2019):

‘Between geography and transport: a scientometric analysis of port studies in Journal of Transport Geography’.

Journal of Transport Geography 81: 102527

Witte, P., Wiegmans, B. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2019):

‘A critical review on the evolution and development of inland port research’.

Journal of Transport Geography 74: 53-61.

Wang, Weiquan, and Wang May (2019)

Effects of Sponsorship Disclosure on Perceived Integrity of Biased Recommendation Agents: Psychological Contract Violation and Knowledge-Based Trust Perspectives.

Information Systems Research, vol. 30/no. 2, (2019), pp. 507-522.

>> 2018 <<

Yang, D., Jiang, L. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2018):

‘One Belt One Road, but several routes: a case study of new emerging trade corridors connecting the Far East to Europe’.

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 117: 190-204.

Ng, A.K.Y., Wang, T., Yang, Z., Li, K.X. and Jiang, C. (2018):

‘How is business adapting to climate change impacts appropriately? Some insight from the commercial port sector’.

Journal of Business Ethics 150(4): 1029-1047.

Ng, A.K.Y., Jiang, C., X, Li, O’Connor, K. and Lee, P.T.W. (2018):

‘A conceptual overview on government initiatives and the transformation of transport and regional systems’.

Journal of Transport Geography 71: 199-203.

Yang, Z., Ng, A.K.Y., Lee, P.T.W., Wang, T., Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Pettit, S., Harris, I., Zhang, D. and Lau, Y.Y. (2018):

‘Risk and cost evaluation of port adaptation measures to climate change impacts’.

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 61: 444-458.

Li, K.X., Jin, M., Qi, G. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2018):

‘Logistics as a driving force for development under the Belt and Road Initiative: the Chinese model for developing countries’.

Transport Reviews 38(4): 457-478.

Wang, Weiquan, Xu Jingjun, Wang May (2018)

Effects of Recommendation Neutrality and Sponsorship Disclosure on Trust Vs. Distrust in Online Recommendation Agents: Moderating Role of Explanations for Organic Recommendations.

Management Science, vol. 64/no. 11, (2018), pp. 5198-5219.

>> 2017 <<

Ha, M.H., Yang, Z., Notteboom, T., Ng, A.K.Y. and Heo, M.W. (2017):

‘Revisiting port performance measurement: a hybrid multi-stakeholder framework for the modelling of port performance indicators’.

Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 103: 1-16.

>> 2016 <<

Chai J.*, Ngai E.W.T. (2016)

"Decision model of complex group argumentation"

Expert Systems with Applications, 45, 223-233.

>> 2015 <<

Rodrigues, V.S., Pettit, S., Harris, I., Beresford, A., Piecyk, M., Yang, Z. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2015):

‘UK supply chain carbon mitigation strategies using alternative ports and multimodal freight transport operations’.

Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 78: 40-56.

Xiao, Y., Fu, X., Ng, A.K.Y. and Zhang, A. (2015):

‘Port investments on coastal and marine disasters prevention: economic modeling and implications’.

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 78: 202-221.

Chai J.*, Ngai E.W.T. (2015)

"Multi-perspective strategic supplier selection in uncertain environments"

International Journal of Production Economics, 166, 215-225.

>> 2014 <<

Ng, A.K.Y. and Ducruet, C. (2014):

‘The changing tides of port geography (1950-2012)’.

Progress in Human Geography 38(6): 785-823.

Wang, Y., Yeo, G.T. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2014):

‘Choosing optimal bunkering ports for liner shipping companies: a hybrid Fuzzy-Delphi-TOPSIS approach’.

Transport Policy 35: 358-365.

Ng, A.K.Y., Ducruet, C., Jacobs, W., Monios, J., Notteboom, T.E., Rodrigue, J.P., Slack, B., Tam, K.C. and Wilmsmeier, G. (2014):

‘Port geography at the crossroads within human geography: between flows and spaces’.

Journal of Transport Geography 41: 84-96.

Yang, Z., Ng, A.K.Y. and Wang, J. (2014):

‘A new risk quantification approach in port facility security assessment’.

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 59: 72-90.

Chai J.*, Ngai E.W.T., Liu J.N.K. (2014)

"Dynamic tolerant skyline operation for decision making"

Expert Systems with Applications, 41(15), 6890-6903.

Chai J.*, Liu J.N.K. (2014)

"A novel believable rough set approach for supplier selection"

Expert Systems with Applications, 41(1), 92-104.

>> 2013 <<

Becker, A., Acciaro, M., Asariotis, R., Cabrera, E., Cretegny, L., Crist, P., Esteban, M., Mather, A., Messner, S., Naruse, S., Ng, A.K.Y., Rahmstorf, S., Savonis, M., Song, D.W., Stenek, V. and Velegrakis, A.F. (2013):

‘A note on climate change adaptation for seaports: a challenge for global ports, a challenge for global society’.

Climatic Change,120(4): 683-695.

Ng, A.K.Y., Padilha, F. and Pallis, A.A. (2013):

‘Institutions, bureaucratic and logistical roles of dry ports: the Brazilian experiences’.

Journal of Transport Geography 27: 46-55.

Chai J.*, Liu J.N.K., Ngai E.W.T. (2013)

"Application of decision-making techniques in supplier selection: A systematic review of literature"

Expert Systems with Applications, 40(10), 3872-3885.

Chai J.*, Liu J.N.K. (2013)

"Dominance-based decision rules induction for multicriteria ranking"

International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 4(5), 427-444.

Chai J.*, Liu J.N.K., Xu Z. (2013)

"A rule-based group decision model for warehouse evaluation under IVIF environments"

Expert Systems with Applications, 40(6), 1959-1970.