On May 12, 2023, the Faculty of Business Administration (FBM) invited Dr. Ying He to give a lecture entitled "Dynamic Pricing Strategies after Customers Form habits or gain Satisfaction".
Dr. Junyi Chai gave a welcome speech
Dr. Ying He is an associate professor at the Strategic Organization Design unit of the department of business and management, University of Southern Denmark. He has two major research areas: 1) decision theory and decision analysis, mainly from axiomatic perspective; 2) application of decision-making models in different operations management and other business problems. He obtained his Ph.D. in management Science from the University of Texas at Austin in under ambiguity in both static and dynamic settings. His research has been published in Management Science, Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Mathematical Economics and other major business journals.
What Dr. He Ying shared in the lecture was the issue of dynamic pricing. When the consumer is state dependent, that is, the consumer forms a habit or obtains satisfaction from the past consumption, the firm will choose different prices in multiple periods. Dr. He Ying first analyzed the motivation for studying dynamic pricing, introduced the previous literature on dynamic pricing, and focused on the establishment of the model in the article for the audience. Finally, numerical studies show that ignoring customer habits and satisfaction can be costly for businesses.
the audience on-site
The audience was immersed in Dr. He's wonderful lecture. In the question and answer session, the audience had an in-depth discussion with Dr. He Ying on the generality of the research and the practical significance of the research conclusions.