The Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPIN) major is designed to equip students with skills to carve out their niche as an innovator. Entrepreneurial skills and innovative thinking are actively sought by more competitive and profitable growing businesses. Students will learn to utilize resources, design business models, develop products or services, communicate a compelling vision, and manage and grow an organization. They will become creative, thoughtful, and determined professionals who are able to apply their analytical skills in developing well-planned and socially responsible ventures and innovations.

The EPIN Programme of UIC provides Start up Business student project room for EPIN Students to start up their project there. 

Students could use this facilities if they need to do their project according to apply for it.

1. They can discuss the topic as a group there.
2. They can conduct a meeting there.
3. They can prepare their business project there.

Students can participate in entrepreneurship and innovation internship in their sophomore and junior years. The Department arranges entrepreneurial companies to contact students, and students form innovation and entrepreneurship teams for practice.

Projects of this year on 2021 summer:

"Cross-border E-commerce New Consumption Entrepreneurship Project" ---- The project integrates part of the supply chain of children's clothing and children's shoes in Guangdong to carry out the creation of new brands and online marketing at home and abroad