Supplementary Learning Support Scheme (SLSS)
Since the 2012-13 academic year, FBM has been running, in each semester, a Supplementary Learning Support Scheme (SLSS) that aims at providing additional learning support to help students understand more thoroughly course materials that are already covered. Students who have participated in this scheme gave positive feedback on its structure, quality, and usefulness.
SLSS classes are offered to students free of charge. All classes last for 10 weeks, beginning Week 3 or Week 4. Department Heads and teachers may recommend those students who could benefit from the scheme to join any time during a semester. Each weekly class is facilitated by a designated instructor/assistant instructor by following an activity plan prepared by the course convener. Activities include: reviewing textbook concepts already covered; explaining in-class/take-home practice exercises; and sharing helpful tips on note-taking, study strategy, time management, and exam preparation.